Wednesday 3 February 2021

Avalon Bleeding, news of a 17th Century ECW fantasy setting fro Eureka

 Just when I am trying not to spend money on figures this comes along-

ECW with Faerie, trolls, gnomes and more! What’s not to like? So tempting! Follow the link, read the back story and let me know what you think.


  1. Now that’s very interesting. Inspirational even. Would have made a great TV programme in the vein of Arthur of the Britons or Robin (the Hooded Man).

    I wonder if you could not just mix any fantasy and pike & shot figures that you already have? Use the Eureka blurb as inspiration.

    Hmmm! Got me thinking now.

    1. Trollhunter 17th century style? Before his descent on Germany, Gustavus Adolphus has to push the trolls* back into the Norwegian mountains from whence they came.

      * no cute Moomintrolls were harmed in the process.

    2. I succumbed and ordered some to use with the 17th Century figures I already have- Scots mainly. The Eureka figures are evidently cast to order and will take 14 - 21 days so I have time to get some human allies and enemies looked out. So true re tv programme, The Faerie Flashing blade even?

    3. Like the TYW ( Troll years Wars?) suggestions. Lots to think of here. I do have a soft spot for the Trollhunter film, watched it quite a few times, terrific fun.

  2. Very interesting, I have a extremely stalled ECW project and this might be the thing to get it up and running again, really like the Dog pike, cracking looking figure.

  3. I fear this range is going to cost you dear. I could usually spend a small fortune on Eureka's site with their odd frog, snowman, toytown figures - so I don't.

    Time to fire up your excellent pun (on Garden games) of By The Sward Divided?

    Faerie crop up in modern times in The Eoin Colfer books your daughter may have read and also Faerie crop up in the Bronte Napoleonic ImagiNations of Celia Rees Glass Town Wars.

    No Cornish piskies? Right into the late 19th Century down deep west and in the Celtic fringes lingered pockets of this folklore. There are some excellent Cornish folktales by Robert Hunt and William Bottrell from my end of the ancestral county with plenty of the faerie folk for example - lol in peeing or look around at Project Gutenberg

    i can see this range fitting snugly in with the the 16th / 17th Century of the reformation and iconoclasm followed by the Mary / Elizabeth switchbacks of Protestant / Catholic then Shakespeare and the madness of the witchcraft trials of James 1st's period. Somehow Cromwell seems the plainest and sanest of the lot, albeit with his attendant strain of levellers, diggers and other doomed visionaries.
    Thank goodness for the dullness of the Restoration and 1688.
    Most importantly for the Wyrd ECW - Do they have nice flags?

    1. Not sure what ' lol in peeing' means? - 'lot in reprint' maybe. Pesky spellchecker gremlins!

  4. I will ask them about the Eoin Colfer books, I think I recall them from my teaching days. I will look up the Cornish folktales. Some people use the word pisky as a short term for Episcopalians which I always find an amusing conceit in light of the folklore. I fear I will break my reduced hobby spending on this a bit but am glad of something that has so grabbed my interest.

    1. Likewise, a piscivore or pescatarian is not one who specialises in eating Piskys. Anything goes wrong, blame it on the gremlins, the e - piscy - p - alien or whomever.

      I wish you joy of your hearth side reading of Bottrell and Hunt via Gutenberg or reprints from quirky little Llanerch Press

      This also looks your thing too

  5. These are rather delicious.... love the witches and finder.

  6. Sent my son and his partner a few of these a short while ago...

  7. Great figures and a great gift to give and get. I have a number made by them and they are quirky and charming.

  8. Nic brought out some figures for this years ago. I still have a cavalier unpainted somewhere.
