Tuesday 16 February 2021

Another Very British Civil War or a terrific conceit

 The other day Stephen left this comment to a post I had done about raising the Von Rosen Platoon for a vbcw. I thought it well,worth sharing here-

I hope we'll see these in action at your friend's.
I'm glad nundanket asked about the tricornes.

I've wondered about a 19th century VBCW over the issue of disputing the succession of Victoria on the grounds of not losing Hanover. British figures from the 1st Carlist War, Opium War, 1st Sikh War [i.e. 1830s and 1840s figures] could make a colourful variant.


What a terrific idea and one I had never thought of. Knowing the knowledge filled and creative readers of this blog I wondered what other ideas we could come up with to add depth and colour to Stephen’s idea? I look forward to hearing from you.
P.s  I  hope you are fine with me doing this Stephen!


  1. Here’s an excellent riff of the theme of counter-factual British Civil Wars.


    1. I have a set of rules from Caliver related to this. He did/does a good blog.

  2. Hi Alan,

    yes, of course, that's fine.

    all the best


  3. Sounds a good idea! Might it widen out into Europe too, if one or more powers decides that Hanover needs 'protection'?

  4. Well..... I've never thought about that before. That's actually a pretty interesting idea you've got there.

