Thursday 18 February 2021

Revolting Hannover or Prince Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge

 Been looking at Uniforms from Hannover and reading about Prince Adolphus. Wondered if there was a game in the Viceroy of Hannover going rogue and setting up himself as an independent king. My figures would do for Hanoverian and British forces without too much fudging. I am wondering about an expedition to Hannover to put down a potential usurped throne? Here are the prints and one of the Prince himself! As ever let me know what you think...



  1. Alan, didn't someone else mention the Salic Law and a general feeling that Victoria was too young, too questionable in her mental health, and too...female?

    Given those things, I'd say there's a general murmuring and whispering campaign which leads into a populist misunderstanding and Hanover decides that Great Britain has lost its' collective noodle putting Vicky on the throne.

    And that's all I can think of after a couple of minutes. Another 5 inches of snow this morning. I had a day off, so it's back to the War of 1812 for me...


    1. Hope 1812 went well. Just woken up to heavy rain, yuck. I have enjoyed walking locally in the sun over the last few days, doubt I will venture out today.

  2. Sounds like a very interesting idea, uniforms are similar but some nice differences too. I like the idea very much.
