Last night Phil W came over for a game. I can't think when we last played a game here- well over a year I guess. Anyway it was high time to give my 15th Century French ( their first game ever) an outing against Phil's Burgundians under charles the Bold. I do like the late 15th century as a period in history and these are two of my favourite armies for it. Phil has Swiss too BTW. Rules used ( for sake of familiarity and no other reason at all ) were DBM. A view from behind the French lines...

Into the game somewhat. Coffee has been served-mug by Emma Bridgewater,coffee by Jan. On the right flank the flower of chivalry collided in the form of Ordnance Gendarmes from both sides and the French bill/partizan men are meleeing Burgundian pike and archers. To the far left of the picture some dismounted Burgundians trudge their way forward in full harness...

A view ( with accompanying chocolate biscuits and diverse goodies- always essential part of any game- in this case TimeOuts...) from the French lines.Centre stage can be observed the knight commanding the French. He has just killed the Burgundian sub general in hand to hand combat. Both sides have lost many troops ,one French command has become demoralised,the gendarmes still hack about them but the game is over. Both sides leave the table in disarray . A draw is declared and Phil and I shake hands. It has been a good game. The superiority of the French Gendarmes has come into play not to mention some fortuitous dice throwing by me. The game left us looking forward to the next one and also thinking we need to look at other rules. We both have Terry Gore's Medieval Warfare and intend to have a look at them once more. I also intend to add to the French . All in all a good evening was had ...
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