Wednesday 10 August 2011

Venise- Pandora's box opened!!

At the BBQ on Saturday Phil was sharing his myriad photos from his recent holiday in Italy. I was most taken with those of Venice- a place I have visited many times in daydreams but not in reality...

This afternoon I looked for 18th century Venetian uniforms OofBs etc and found loads of info including many images of which I have posted one.

Most interesting possibilities for the world of the imaginations I fear. I must resist ,well maybe!


  1. Very interesting uniforms! Maybe Syldavian or Bordurian, you know :) :)

  2. Looks like you could use Austrian grenz figures for some of them.


  3. Hi Alan,

    I think we must share part of our brains - I was looking for Venetian uniforms this afternoon as well!
    I didn't find anything as useful as the uniform plate you found however.

    That Oltramarino uniform is sharp indeed and I think that ColCampbell is right that it could be converted from grenzer figures. There are some regular infantry images on the Vinkhuizen Collection web collection on the New York Public Library website wearing blue with red collars, cuffs and small clothes. Is that what you found as well?



  4. Grenz figures came to my mind too Jim & Jim...
    Didnt try the New York site but have used it very successfully in other projects.

    I just used a search engine and followed the leads down cyberspace alleyways until I got some useful material.
    Jimare you thinking of raising some Venetians then?

  5. Hi Alan,

    Just to let you know, I'm on a ferry at the moment, crossing the waters in the vicinity of New Tradgardland I believe. Thick fog after very heavy rain, not much to see however.

    As for Venetians, I had used the Oltramarino/Schiavona regiment uniform as a model for one of the Syldavian foot regiments, I think that an example was in one of those photos I sent you two months or so ago. I haven't finished painting that unit yet as there is a conversion to do (nothing complicated but it is 18mm after all) and I have been on the road all summer not at the painting table.

    Anyhow, while working on them I was thinking that they would easily stand in for Venetians as well and that led me to wonder if I ought to recruit some Venetian units once I have enough Syldavians and Bordurians. The Venetians would be a useful third party, possibly friends and possibly adversaries, or both, and they would provide another way to have a contribution from someone else in the campaign project ... I have completed nine Syldavian units and seven Bordurians at the moment, more on the way so maybe a little brigade of Venetians (or something similar under a similar name) is a good idea in the near future! And you - do you think that you will paint some up?


  6. Jim
    Near Ny Tradgardland eh- most interesting .Any remains of fort or town visible from the boat?

    Sounds like the painting is progressing well and the project is moving forward.BTW what rules are you planning to use?

    In answer to the question I think I will indeed paint some up -it would be a pity not to do so as the info is there....

    I think a grenzer conversion will work well in 18mmm too.

  7. ¿¡18mm!? Add 10mm and the troops will look so much better :)

  8. For my part, the 18mm is all about finishing what I started. That done, I'll move on to the side of truth and beauty!


  9. Alan,

    I had a recollection that Ny Tradgardland might lie somewhere about Nova Scotia... perhaps it was the reference to a "Louisberg" or some such. If my very fragmented memory serves, then I was there... I did see some fortifications, etc, from the road and from the boat. Would you like me to post a few piccies?

