Tuesday 12 September 2023

Back in the H.R.E , you don’t know how lucky you are…

 Change is as good as a rest they say. Although I don’t have a great deal of time this week l am returning to this project from last year-

Hope to get a few semi flats begun…

In case you have forgotten what this was about follow the HRE label at the bottom of the post. It will take you to a Europe that never was…


  1. Once more on a path less trodden - I hope it leads to the tranquility of still waters, at least for the explorer if not for the tin heroes.

    1. There is something so satisfying as painting up old , neglected lead and getting it on the table once more…
      I do enjoy imagining a Europe where WW1 and WW2 and their accompanying horrors never happened.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. The old Almark book if I'm not mistaken !?

    1. You are not mistaken at all, an old friend who has been with me for years…
      Alan Tradgardland
