Wednesday 13 September 2023

Podcasts etc

 I enjoy listening to podcasts whilst working around the house and painting figures or modelling. Currently here are some of my favourites, which I access via free Spotify-

Firstly “ The Civil War , a history podcast”  which has been going for years I believe. It is about the lead up to, aftermath and conduct of the ACW. Often in fifteen minute episodes it has helped me come to grips with the social and political aspects of the period as well as the war itself. Easy to listen to and accessible plus every episode offers book recommendations.

Secondly “ Revolutions” which looks at revolutions in history reaching back to Roman times. I have been listening to the ones about the lead up to the 1848 revolutions. The podcast is a one shop stop to finally understanding the complexity of Europe at the time . It can be stacked full of interesting information in a dense way but remains always interesting. A perfect way of spending under an hour coming to grips with the history of Hungary , for example.

Thirdly “ The Oldhammer Fiction Podcast” which I have just found relatively recently. It is full of fiction based in the setting of warhammer.  I haven’t listen to loads of episodes yet but quite enjoy these stories from yesteryear. Probably one to dip in and out of.

For some reason l don’t seem to enjoy wargaming based podcasts although sometimes the interviews with the good and the great of the hobby are fascinating. I would be interested in hearing what others listen to.

September seems to be increasingly busy, something l am not a big fan of. The calendar gets filled and there is less energy or enthusiasm for hobby matters or perhaps they are a mental escape, however briefly. Real life is either famine or feast at the moment. Once the current wad of family things gets done l hope to settle down to slightly quieter life as autumn approaches.

One interesting development is that l will be going to a weekly class in Glasgow, put on by the Open Learning department of the University of Glasgow . It is another Art History one. It will be fun to be in the  West on a weekly basis in the weeks of autumn into winter. I also look forward to a new lecturer and probably new students. I have found that those attending such courses are often fascinating to talk to having had a great variety of life experiences. All this and fifteenth/sixteenth century art!


  1. Podcasts. I used to enjoy Neil Shuck's offerings. I enjoy the Too Fat Lardies ones but they are few and far between. With both i would have preferred shorter but more frequent. TFL's annual Advent calendar is fun.

    1. Interesting suggestions , l will have a listen.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Interesting podcast suggestions, thanks. There are so many of them!
    I have been quite impressed with Al Murray and James Holland 'We Have Ways' - Murray is seriously well-informed on WW2, he's not just there to be a comedian. Bob Cordery mentioned his friend Prof Gary Sheffield's 'Military History Plus' and that has been pretty interesting, including one on Paddy Griffith's book about ACW tactics. I did listen to some of Henry Hyde's interviews with wargaming worthies, must go back an look again.
    Hmmm... university open access courses - that's probably worth looking into! I take it this is not part of a degree program, just ad-hoc courses?

    1. I could do these courses l take for credit by doing an essay for each but have chosen not to. My regular tutor at Edinburgh encourages folk but has no problem if you don’t . All the Art History ones have been credit courses but the history one were not. I really enjoy Al Murray’s WW2 podcast and must get back to them. Thanks for the other suggestions…
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. I’m with David on We Have Ways. Not really my period but it’s fascinating and I have learned a lot. I also occasionally listen to its sister podcasts the Rest is History (Tom Holland, brother of James, and Dominic Smallbrook) and, less often, the Rest is Politics.
    Then more in my area of interest, military history wise, is the Life and Times of Frederick the Great, by a US history student. Not as slick as the others, by any means, but it’s packed full of information around the subject and occasionally has some great guests.
    The Gary Sheffield military history podcast David mentioned is very good.
    Then last but not least, of no interest to anyone else, is DN35 an avowedly amateur podcast by Grimsby Town fans.
    Crikey I listen to a lot!

    1. More interesting suggestions, thanks for this. So many podcasts so little time.
      Alan Tradgardland

  4. I listen to the Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast, by Bedroom Battlefields. Not sure if the link will work but they have a lot of good listening!

    1. I will try this thanks.
      Alan Tradgardland

  5. I'm not a fan of business either. I'll have a look at the Revolutions podcast; I could use a summary of 1848 etc. ...

    1. Do pop by Revolutions, you won’t regret it!
      Alan Tradgardland

  6. I really liked Dan Carlin's Supernova in the East, about the rise and fall of Japan. It's full of horrors, and the narrative voice may not be to everyone's taste (I liked it), but I felt that I had really learned about a period and theatre that was relatively unknown to me before I started.

    1. Another fascinating subject, l will try it, thanks.
      Alan Tradgardland

  7. But also We Have Ways, The Rest is History and Gary Sheffield, yes

  8. Must try “ The rest .. “ and Gary Sheffield’s
    Alan Tradgardland
