Friday 8 September 2023

Moving well along the road

 Yesterday a combination of free time and warm ( but not horrendously hot) weather allowed me to soak the old bases, remove them once soggy and stick the figures to their new ones. Starting earlyish l have managed to get everything finished except for a few figures. The postman arrived with the new bases in the morning so all proceeded really well.

I will see what bases I need still to buy and work out how I will identify the hero bases, as well as decide on a size. I may go with circular as it is easy to spot. Now all that is left are coats of green base paints, touching up a few flaked patches of paint and lashings of gloss varnish. I had thought this project would get done in far longer a time. I am pleased to have been wrong…


  1. Great progress Tradgardmastare!
    The first games I played with the ME range used the WRG 4th Edition Ancients rules Appendix 4 - hidden at the back "so that sane, sensible wargamers can avoid continuous mental shocks while thumbing through the pages"!!

    1. Thanks, memories indeed. So glad they hid these fantasy additions away to protect the sanity of others.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Delighted to see the Ents - excellent rebasing marathon there!

    1. I do love the ents. It was a marathon but well worth it.
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks!
      Btw currently unable to leave comments on your blog sadly.
      Alan Tradgardland

  4. Good work Alan! Up with the lark?

    1. I’m an “ up with the lark”:chap. It has always paid off well.
      Alan Tradgardland

  5. Good work there - I always use round bases for Heroes .

  6. Round bases for my heroes, yes, a plan!
    Alan Tradgardland
