Thursday 28 September 2023

Gone West once again

 Yesterday l was in Glasgow for my weekly class . I took photos from the seventh floor of the tower. 

Does anyone know what the green spire belongs to , I am most intrigued by it…
Secondly l ordered a few old school opponents for my new Afghans. I ordered on Monday and they were waiting for me on my return yesterday. 

Excellent service indeed. One wee disappointment was they came in a padded envelope not a blue box. However credit where credit due, fast service indeed! I am moving towards a portable Wargame soonish.


  1. I envy the option to go to Glasgow. Do you go by train? I have been on the train from Stirling to Glasgow. As I recall it wasn't a very long journey (maybe an hour or so).

    1. I go by bus as I have a bus pass enabling me to travel free. Ninety minutes to Glasgow, a bit more to Falkirk or Stirling and forty five minutes to Edinburgh. I am most fortunate.
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. Tower is on top of notre dame high school.

    1. Thanks for the info, most helpful.
      Alan Tradgardland

  3. Sorry for short response, it was late and Google maps was being unhelpful, I was tired. Enjoyed the challenge! I think it sits atop the main (old?) building. The secret was spotting the pizza place through the trees in order to orientated the map etc. Never been to Glasgow.

  4. Damn - now I have the Pet Shop Boys singing "Go West" in my head!
